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Graduate School of Oceanography Pier
Narragansett, RI

March-September 2020

A new pier and pumphouse are being constructed to replace the existing pier and associated infrastructure that was originally constructed in 1963. The original timber pile supported pier was the homeport for the R/V Endeavor. The existing pier is to be demolished and replaced with a new steel pipe pile supported pier to accommodate URI’s new 199-foot vessel, the R/V Resolution. FR Engineering, in conjunction with Fairbanks Engineering Corporation, executed a subsurface investigation for the new pier and pumphouse structure. Borings up to 165 feet deep were completed on land and on water, in Narragansett Bay. Our findings from the subsurface investigation were used to conduct pile design analyses and to provide construction and design recommendations for the new pier and supporting facilities.

©2024 by FR Engineering Group

2346 Post Road, Suite 202

Warwick, RI 02886

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